Friday, May 16, 2008

Christine's blab

I have loved being connected to friends and family through blogging, but I noticed today that I am not that great at posting on my own site. I check on all of you frequently and love to peek inside your lives. I have posted a couple things that we have been up to lately. Tomorrow the twins turn 7! Every time I think about them growing up I get that lump in my throat. In fact, Steve and I went to a music program at their school this past week and while taking the pictures I found my self tearing up. We are busy today preparing for the party tomorrow. I am making three little cakes, a basketball, a golf ball, and a baseball. Do you see the theme? It is a Ball Bash!! I will post the hopefully successfull cake making and party pics tomorrow.


Chelsey and Casey said...

A ball bash! How cute!

banks said...

I can't believe you have children that are going to be seven. Where does all the time go.I hope you have a great birthday party for the boys. I'll check back on your blog. I am coming to Idaho and Utah next month for a triathlon. Maybe we could get together. Loves, Kami

Cheryl said...

You must be really old if you have seven year old boys. :) I still can't believe it. I loved the dentist and the golfing pictures. We really need to have the boys back together again soon. Ry and Dillon need to meet. But, I am not going anywhere this summer. We're going to SLC for conference in October and staying a couple of weeks. Maybe we could work something out then.

cjdustin said...

So very fun! I love the Ball Bash idea! I can't believe that the "babies" are turning 7 either. Remember Cassidy, "come on babies....come on babies.." Too funny!

Mugs said...

What handsome boys.

I'm with you when it comes to tearing up. I cry just thinking about future school plays! Geesh!

p.s. Grandpa Pinky would have way too much fun with your Ball Bash idea ;)