Monday, June 1, 2009

Saturday was the big day for baptisms. It was fun to watch them dress up in their jumpsuits and then new suits. It was fun to spend the day with cousins and family that came to share in the event. I was hoping that I would end the day with the arrival of the new baby, but no such luck. My month of May has been really full and this was the last thing to accomplish. There is a chance this baby could come as early as Sunday (induction of course). We'll see. I did some jumping jacks last night but thought I'd better stop before I peed my pants. We'll keep you posted!


Shanda said...

How awesome! Congrats! You look amazing by the way! Let us know when she gets here!

Debi said...

I know how you feel about the "peeing" your pants thing! Everyone looks so cute all dressed up for the special day. Sorry I missed it!

Ashley said...

Congratulations! What a fun day! I hope that your little one comes soon!

Mugs said...

Haha! You are hilarious Christy. Congrats to the twins on their babptism! And Can't wait for your new arrival! You look beautiful by the way!

cjdustin said...

Wish we could have been there. You look great and I hope all is well and goes well with the baby. We can't wait to hear from you!

Chelsey and Casey said...

Haha you made me laugh with the jumping jacks comment! How fun that the twins were baptized AND they get a new sister so soon!

Stacy J said...

Wow such big handsome boys and what a cute Mom! Lol on the jumping jacks:). Hope all is well :)