Lots of this to keep us healthy!
A breakfast favorite...warm pancakes.
We skipped out on our church meetings this morning because Braxton was battling a second day of a sore thoart. Poor kid - I think I have harped so much on the severity of our family getting the swine flu with Chloe that he keeps asking me if he has it and is going to die. We plan on going to the Dr. tomorrow and getting it checked out to reassure him. I think it is strep throat. Yeah for us! Anyway, we started our Sunday out with a little Star Wars monopoly (the game that never ends), followed by a Transformer chess match, then to our yummy breakfast. In the mean time I started dinner in the oven, washed EVERYBODY'S bedding and attempted to make peach pie. This was my first attempt without mom around and lets just say it didn't win any awards for looks. It sure was good on icecream though. Alas, I fell into bed last night exhausted and ready for some much needed rest.
Nope not strep either! Just a cold as I told you. Everyday some new "OCD" moment slips out of you :)I just laugh now. Peach pie is my favorite, just wondering why I didn't see any. Did you know they aren't even testing for swine flu anymore unless you're prego?
You need to go to church to get your rest on Sunday!
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