Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lasagna Dinner...

My little D. is a very picky eater, but we are trying to be better about at least taking bites of what is prepared. So for Sunday dinner I made a most delicious lasagna. After much discussion and coaxing I got D. to TRY ONE BITE of his dinner. These are the pictures of the event. You can see that it was a success in attempting a bite even though there were tears and a lot of dry heaving...which I could have rolled on the floor laughing at! My favorite is the last picture. He has the greatest big blue eyes that melt my heart. This was his plea to be done and get some cudos for trying. Of course I snuggled him up and took the "hurt" away.


Emily said...

I didn't know you have a picky eater like that. I have 3...ugg, it is so frustrating. Good job on atleast getting him to take a bite. I need to bounce ideas off you.

Stacy J said...

my sympathies for your picky eater-i have one as well and the dry heaving is definately part of the package!!!!

Debi said...

That is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time!!! I make a KILLER lasagna and everyone LOVES it!!! You never did say what the conclusion was, did he like it afterall?

Ashley said...

Lance is the same way. Picky eaters are tough. We have had plenty of tears and dry heaving at our house too!